ich habe folgendes mit Drox komuniziert.....
unten drunter findet ihr links und infos wenn ihr euch nicht auf der Seite registrieren wollt
die Mods sind nicht schlecht und das was man bekommt auch gut...Drox21.07.2020
oh here ill get the updated info for you
sorry my mistake, noticed the old date
Special promo rates: 25% off
Thanks for looking into our server mods and addons
This is the link for addon #1 ($80 USD Donation) (normaly $120)
https://www.psychogaming.online/forum/d ... erver-mods
This is the link for addon #2 ($80 USD Donation) (normaly $120)
https://www.psychogaming.online/forum/d ... -2-addon-2
If you get both, $150 USD (normaly $200) donation and we include a free gear set! If needed/wanted we also can make and include logos, menu music, spawn gear setup, loading screens... basically whatever you need for your server.
You will also get any future released vehicles in the packs and we try to update at least once a month with bugs fixes ect.
We also have a full team that assist with server and mod issues. This also includes other mods and configs normaly free of cost.
Please be aware addon two is new and it only has 4 vehicles (Some of the best vehicles we have made) right now but this is the way addon one started and it will grow just like addon one did and with your support we can make this happen again!
Either way get any of the addons or not we are always here to help and thank you for your consideration.
it comes in the addons above
we think about it thx i tell you than .. have a nice day
Vielleicht wollt ihr ja das Angebot annehmen... viel Stuff und eigenes Zeug sowie Texturen.. plus 2 super Mods....
Ich starte mal eine Umfrage wer sich daran beteiligen würde.. denn 150 $ ist ja schon ein wenig Moos
Greetz Burschi
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... 1930123141
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... 2070920365
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... 1949467248
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... 2115941479